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Curtis Septic is one of the most trusted, experienced Massachusetts Title V Inspectors in the Hardwick area due to our Honest, Integrity and Experience.
We are Licensed by the Local Board of Health in Hardwick, Massachusetts and provide the most affordable Title 5's.
Massachusetts Title V Inspectors
Best Hardwick Title V Inspections
Curtis Septic Service has been in business for over 30 years and has performed thousands of Title 5 Inspections. We're fast, efficient and can help you through the process.
Most affordable Title V Inspections
Most qualified Title 5 Inspectors
Fast, Service & Turnaround Time
Emergency Services Available
Over 30 Years of Experience as a leader in septic system inspections.
"Curtis Septic was the most affordable Title 5 Inspector I could find. The Inspector which came to my house did the job very quickly and was very professional and courteous"
Curtis Septic Customer
Accurate System Diagnostics
State-of-the-Art Procedures
Highly Trained, Experienced Staff
Tips on "How to Treat Your System"
Most Affordable Septic System Repairs with a Lifetime Guarantee
Curtis has the most qualified team of Title V Inspectors in the Hardwick, MA area offering affordable inspections with same day report capabilities.
Our inspector perform an honest, accurate inspection. If repairs are needed, Curtis can provide the most cost-effective remediation.
Homeowners wishing to sell their home in Hardwick must have a Title V Inspection. Once this is accomplished, you sell your home!
Hardwick Title V's
Pass the Inspection
Sell Your Home
Curtis Septic Inspection
$50 Off Septic System Inspections in Hardwick MA
(508) 358-4400
Ask About Our Title V Inspection Loan Program
in Hardwick, Massachusetts
Call Curtis Septic for Your Septic System Inspection in Hardwick MA
Honesty. Integrity. Experience.
Curtis Septic Service Serving Hardwick, Massachusetts 01031 (508) 358-4400